To learn more about eSafePublishing, and our policies and procedures, please review the Frequently Asked Questions page, as well as the Fees & Settlement and Rules & Permissions sections of our website.

If you're ready to add your document to the eSprouts library, simply complete the Writer Sign-Up form below:
1. Name *
2. Email *
3. Phone
4. Street Address *
5. City *
6. State * 7. ZIP Code *
8. Country *
9. Title or Subject *
10. Enter a brief summary about the document, i.e. what you want the potential buyer to see about your document, e.g., what it is about, why they should
buy it, your credentials, etc. (limit: 300 words). *
11. Enter up to 4 keywords or phrases that you think will help internet search engines locate your document.
Keyword/phrase 1     * Keyword/phrase 2    
Keyword/phrase 3     Keyword/phrase 4    
12. Do you own the rights to legally direct sales and publication
of this document? *
Your application cannot be accepted if you cannot answer "Yes" to the above question.
13. Have you read and do you agree to be bound by eSafePublishing's terms, conditions, and provisions? *
Rules & Permissions YES NO
Your application cannot be accepted if you cannot answer "Yes" to the above question.
Fees & Settlement YES NO
Your application cannot be accepted if you cannot answer "Yes" to the above question.
14. What is the sale price of this document? * $US
15. Do you want the purchaser to have the right to print
your document after the payment has been received?
eSprouts believes “YES” is the preferred business
answer but the choice is yours. *
If you answer NO to this question, the document you want included in eSafePublishing's library must be received by eSafePublishing in MS-Word or PDF format before your advertisement page will be posted.
16. I will deliver to my document directly to eSafePublishing
in either MS-Word or PDF format via email attachment.

See contact us. Delay in getting your document to
eSprouts can cause delays in the completion of
the advertisement page being set up for you which would
also delay the posting of your document in eSprout’s
library. *
When you click "Submit Request" below, you will be directed to our Secure Payment System. If your document is priced higher than $3.75, you will have a charge of $235.00 entered into your shopping cart. If your document is priced at $3.75 or less, you will have a charge of $55.00 entered into your shopping cart.