How is eSafePublishing different from other publishing companies?
eSafePublishing is different because it is a genuinely pro-active writer venue, supporting the art of writing and literary enhancement while delivering more opportunities to you, the writer. eSafePublishing focuses on helping you make bigger profits. Hardcopy authors typically receive less than 10% of the sales dollars. Those posting their documents on the internet have historically done much worse, and typically received no payment at all. With eSafePublishing, the writer keeps the larger portion of each sales dollar. See, Fees and Settlement.
eSafePublishing is different because it is the first public forum to provide digital protection of internet transmitted documents for writers wishing to sell their works on the internet. eSafePublishing helps guard against copyright violations and, thus, protects and maximizes revenue collections. eSafePublishing’s sophisticated encryption technology greatly reduces the risk that your document will be transferred to others without you first being paid.
eSafePublishing is different in that it creates a unique venue for selling smaller documents. A document about any topic (fiction or non-fiction) of interest to enough people is a potential money-maker in the internet market. Writers who are able to think in terms of this new type of market have the opportunity to accomplish their private goals of being a writer or poet. eSafePublishing is the right tool with which you can inexpensively test those documents and papers you believe will be saleable over the internet. It is the right tool to help you capture the most money for your publications. eSafePublishing’s library includes a document called Writing for Profit which can help you more quickly come to appreciate the new possibilities of selling your works on the internet.
eSafePublishing is different in that it offers the writer low start-up and operating costs in his or her business of writing for profit. Selling hardcopy books and magazines requires substantial up-front costs for printing and inventories and advertising campaigns. Publishing works over the internet with the aid of eSafePublishing is an affordable way to investigate your document’s market value. See Fees and Settlement.
eSafePublishing is different because it takes advantage of the buying public’s growing desire to shop from home and to get the purchased item as quickly as possible. With eSafePublishing, the customer pays for your document and gets it within seconds. This is the service demanded by modern consumers, and the service that will produce the greatest sales volumes and dollars for you.
eSafePublishing offers a low cost way to sell an e-magazine or e-periodical over the net. This type of digital publication is also secured with copyright protecting encryption.
eSafePublishing is different because it offers writers and poets an opportunity to establish or enhance their authorship and to earn money through one or more of the e-magazines eSafePublishing plans to publish. These periodicals will be introduced in a way to better help the content directed internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo match reader interest with works which might not otherwise be easily marketed because of search engine limitations. If your work is accepted for publication by eSafePublishing you will receive a cash reward for the submission and opportunities for additional money depending on e-public acceptance. See, for example, Why Submit My Work for Inclusion in Nettedvoices? In addition, being published in an eSafePublishing e-magazine or e-document does not limit your right to pursue hard copy opportunities that are available to you. If you are interested in having your work considered please contact us.
eSafePublishing is different because it is a totally online, digital operation. It does not offer hard copy publications and does not compete with any publisher or author pursuing hard copy sales. A writer can e-publish with eSafePublishing as a compliment to the writer’s hard copy opportunities, but publishing with eSafePublishing does not limit in any way the writer’s use of hard copy venues.

Why should writers use eSafePublishing?
eSafePublishing is the best way for a writer to prosper from selling ideas, literary entertainment, and information over the internet. eSafePublishing’s mission is to help writers and wanna-be writers take advantage of the internet market.
The growth of internet buying increases dramatically each year and there is no end in sight. The internet marketplace, however, is different than a book store or magazine shop. Internet consumers prefer the convenience of shopping on the internet and the quickest possible access to their purchased item. eSafePublishing was created specifically for the internet opportunity and the demands of internet users. Its unique design affords you great market exposure and the opportunity to capture the largest dollar revenues. eSafePublishing’s digital protections make possible the unique and new world of small document internet sales. Accordingly, eSafePublishing is the best and most cost-effective internet tool to help you achieve your goals as a writer.
Writers publish for many reasons; to demonstrate authorship, to establish credentials for a business or career, to gain the public’s recognition, or to make money etc.. eSafePublishing helps you achieve your particular objective. For most writers, however, the value of eSafePublishing is primarily related to making money while protecting copyrighted materials in order to increase the dollars returned to the writer for his or her hard work. If you want financial independence or simply a way to supplement your current income, eSafePublishing is right for you. Once you have written about a subject or have created a work that you believe could have a large enough reading public, eSafePublishing is the best way to test your confidence by actually selling on the internet.
eSafePublishing offers an easy and affordable way to get published and marketed over the internet. eSafePublishing’s service to you include sales dollar collection, monthly accounting, and digital document protections to help assure that you get paid for each document that reaches the public. Whereas most writers earn only a small fraction of each sales dollar, eSafePublishing is your opportunity to capture the largest portion of each dollar paid for your document. eSafePublishing takes care of the sale, collecting the money, and disbursing the money to you.
See Fees and Settlement for the costs and procedures of using eSafePublishing's services.
eSafePublishing is an opportunity for poets and fictional writers to establish or enhance their authorship and to earn money through one or more of the e-magazines eSafePublishing plans to publish. These periodicals will be introduced in a way to better help the content directed internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo match reader interest with works which might not otherwise be easily marketed because of search engine limitations. If your work is accepted for publication by eSafePublishing you will receive a cash reward for the submission and opportunities for additional money depending on e-public acceptance. See, for example, Why Submit My Work for Inclusion in Nettedvoices? In addition, being published in an eSafePublishing e-magazine or e-document does not limit your right to pursue hard copy opportunities that are available to you. If you are interested in having your work considered please contact us.

How will e-shoppers find my writing?
If you are already an established writer or a celebrity or a person with a substantial public following, your name may be what attracts most people to the document you post in eSafePublishing’s library. You may already enjoy substantial offline marketing that can help direct people to your online document, and vice versa. Your friends and associates may be your first customers who then spread the word. Your chosen topic and the content of your document will let e-surfers interested in similar subjects locate your e-writing. A person can locate your work by scanning eSafePublishing’s library but most buyers will locate your document using an internet search engine such as Google or Yahoo. The search engine helps them match the words for which they search with similar words and concepts within your document whether they search for your name, the name of your document or words included in your document. When you post a document in eSafePublishing’s library you will provide suggestions for search words which you think people will use when seeking your document or a document like yours. Those are words you will want to appear in the ad page that gets placed on the eSafePublishing site as a marketing tool when you post your writing with eSafePublishing. The search engine will lead the potential buyer to your advertisement page which will be your statement about why the reader will want to purchase your document.
Works of fiction and poetry are not as easily located on the net by means of only search engines looking for matching words. eSafePublishing, accordingly, will begin publishing a broadbased variety e-magazine in the near future, which will contain fiction, poetry and non-fiction which eSafePublishing believes will be appreciated by its subscribers. The e-magazine will receive special advertising in order to attract buyers. In addition, and because it is an e-magazine, it will be more easily located by search engines. Writers and poets whose works are accepted for publication by eSafePublishing will receive cash rewards, the pleasure of being published, and other benefits. Here is an opportunity for writers and poets to establish or to enhance their authorship and to earn money while preserving all of their rights and opportunities in hard copy venues. See, for example, Why Submit My Work for Inclusion in Nettedvoices? If you are interested in having your work considered for inclusion in an eSafePublishing publication please contact us.

How does the writer get paid?
Payments owed to you will be disbursed early each month following the month of the sale along with an accounting of that month’s activities. See, Rule: Fees and Settlement – When does the writer get paid? An exception is made for accounts having little activity. Accounts with very little activity will receive more abbreviated disbursement and accounting treatment. See Rule: Payment and Reporting of Low Activity Accounts

Do I have absolute copyright protection when using eSafePublishing's services?
There is no such thing as absolute copyright protection. Some people violate copyrights; it just happens now and then. The hardcopy book and magazine and publishing companies deal with that problem every day. Any person can copy a book or magazine, yet the profits of book stores and publishers are still enough to keep them in business because that kind of copyright infringement does not occur very often except where a publication is of great interest worldwide.
Internet publication, while opening new markets for writers and types of documents not readily accepted in the hard copy world, faces copyright issues unique to the digital world. The biggest risk in selling a document over the internet is that the digital form of the document might be easily sent to thousands, or hundreds of thousands, in violation of your copyright and without you getting paid for the additional copies. eSafePublishing uses sophisticated encryption and theft minimization procedures to help control that risk. The person that purchases a digitally protected eSafePublishing document cannot simply send it to someone else over the internet in a way that lets the other person see or use the document. The buyer cannot make a digital copy of the document using a ‘screen capture’ or ‘cut and paste’ feature of their computer. The eSafePublishing system makes copyright violation more difficult and more risky for a would-be copyright violator. These protections support your effort to become an e-writer and the level of copyright violations expected should be minimal in contrast to your profit potential.
When you place your document in eSafePublishing’s library you decide whether or not a purchaser will be allowed to print the document. If you permit printing, eSafePublishing can add an embedded watermark which will be appear only when the document is printed, but not when it is viewed on the buyer’s computer screen. The watermark is public notice that the printed document is subject to your copyright interests. See Rule: Permission for Buyer to Print a Document.
Some computers have operating systems that do not permit acceptable digital security for internet downloads of documents. For example, current security technology does not support strong security measures for computers having Linux and MAC operating systems. Computers having some version of a Microsoft Windows operating system do afford excellent online security. The Windows systems are in more than 90% of the computers of the world. Accordingly, eSafePublishing permits only computers with a Windows operating system to open a document sold from the eSafePublishing library. Windows operating systems are so commonplace that most people have easy access to one even if their own computer uses one of the less popular operating systems. When a free download is offered through the eSafePublishing site, Apple MAC computers are allowed access to the free download but in those instances no risk of revenue loss exists and letting a MAC user see the document can be good for business. Likewise, if an author wants buyers with MAC systems to be able to purchase and download the author’s e-document, eSafePublishing will authorize access for computers with a MAC system.

How long will it take for my document to be included in eSafePublishing’s library?
Your document should be included in eSafePublishing’s library and available for sale within a few days of eSafePublishing’s receipt of the document and your provision of the advertisement page text, and related artwork or photograph, if applicable, and your suggestions of key words which may help search engines locate your document. The sooner the document has been submitted to eSafePublishing after you sign up, the sooner your document will be posted in the library for sale on the internet.

What if I already have a website, can I still take advantage of eSafePublishing’s services?
Yes, and the answer may be as simple as a custom link arrangement. If this is something you wish to investigate, please contact us with your thoughts and proposal. eSafePublishing will work with you in finding a suitable solution.

Why is digital encryption important?
Historically, digital documents have had very little monetary value on the internet. The inability to protect against copyright violations was the principal reason why writers would not invest time and energy posting their writings, just to see them distributed for free to net surfers. Most online documents were given away mainly to let the writer demonstrate authorship or the fact of being published even though they received no or very little payment. In the past, documents allegedly offered for sale, once sold to a buyer were easily distributed across the internet so the author never had much assurance of being paid for most of the documents available to the public online. eSafePublishing’s digital encryption technology helps secure your document and your ability to make money with it. eSafePublishing’s system helps assure that most people with a copy of your document will have paid you for it. See, Do I have absolute copyright protection when using eSafePublishing's services? As a writer, you therefore have an opportunity through eSafePublishing to demonstrate your authorship when you decide the time is right and to do so with a reasonable expectation of capturing some measure of financial reward as you enlarge your public following.

Why small documents?
eSafePublishing believes the greatest internet opportunity is for smaller documents of 60 or fewer pages. Internet delivery permits the buyer to view your document on the computer screen and, if you approve, the buyer will be permitted to print the document. Most consumers, however, are not interested in purchasing a lengthy document or book in digital form because reading on a computer screen can be wearisome and printing lots of pages that are not bound can also be bothersome. There are of course exceptions, but the internet is a ripe market for shorter fiction and non-fiction documents, and less bulky periodicals.
What you decide to write about may be based upon your special expertise, your observations, your analysis, your creative thought, or your survey and simplification of more complex and voluminous information sources. Identify a topic of interest to a sufficient number of readers and you have an opportunity to accomplish your goals as a writer. The internet with eSafePublishing’s help can be a highly rewarding experience. The article Writing for Profit in eSafePublishing’s library is a good source of information about identifying and pursuing saleable works for the internet.

What can I do if I am having difficulty opening a document I purchased from eSafePublishing?
A document purchased from eSafePublishing cannot be accessed by the buyer until that buyer’s permission to the access is registered and the buyer’s computer is recognized as having the right to access the document. The registration process for the consumer is easy and quick, and most of the work taking place is transparent.
For a stand-alone document, as contrasted with a periodical such as an online journal or e-magazine, you will receive the document as a download following confirmation of your purchase and payment. The download will include a link to a viewer which you must open in order to register your computer as the rightful place to access the purchased item. You will not have access to the document until you have installed the viewer and related license as directed by the email instructions you receive, and that applies to each document you purchase even if you have previously been approved access to a different document.
A journal or magazine purchased by you will be downloaded to your email address as the periodical is released. First your subscription payment will be received and acknowledged, and then when your first issue is ready you will receive an email with a link to your issue of the publication along with instructions on how to download a viewer and how to register your permission so you can thereafter enjoy each issue released during your subscription period. The process of downloading the special viewer and registering your permission to the publication is only required one time and then is in effect for each subsequent issue released during your subscription period.
Your document or periodical can be accessed only on the computer from which you initially access the document or periodical. If you wish access on a different computer, you will need to contact us at eSafePublishing and provide the details of why you need an additional computer access, so eSafePublishing can determine whether permission will be granted for the additional computer.
If the above information and the instructions you received with your purchase do not solve your difficulty, please contact us for additional assistance.